1 research outputs found

    Children's Literature at Osman Abubakar Aliyinla

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    تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى تجلية بعض الإسهامات التي قدمها الأستاذ عثمان أبوبكر يوسف أَيْلَيْيِنْلا - رحمه الله تعالى - في ميدان أدب الطفل، حيث تقع موضوعات بعض قصائده ومقطوعاته وحكاياته في صميم ما يعنى بأدب الطفل، الذي يرعى النشء رعاية جليلة، سواء في سلوكه، أو عقيدته، أو علاقته مع الخالق - جل شأنه -، أو تعامله مع المخلوقين، أو التغني بمشاعره وحتى في شئونه الشخصية وغير الشخصية. ومن ثم تهدف الدراسة مستعملة المنهج الوصفي إلى الإجابة عن الأسئلة التالية: ما أدب الطفل؟ وما موضوعاته المتوفرة في أعمال عثمان أبوبكر أيليينلا؟ وما أهميتها في حياة الطفل؟ ومن أهم النتائج التي يُتوقع أن يتوصل البحث إليها: أن أعمال عثمان أيليينلا تحرص على غرس حب الفضيلة، والثقة بالنفس، واللجوء إلى الله، والإحسان إلى الوالدين في قلوب الطفل، وأن كثيرا من هذه الموضوعات صيغت أشعارا وحكايات وفكاهات في قالب سلس وعذب يتلاءم مع ميول الأطفال الغنائيةThis study intends to enlighten Children Literature in some of Sheikh Usman Abubakar Yusuf Eleyinla’s poetry, tales and riddles. Meanwhile, Children Literature has gained more and needed attention from contemporary writers. It helps in managing and developing children thinking, emotion and fiction. Likewise, it plays ethical roles in terms of children relationship with their socio-culture and religious value. The research shall therefore, try by using descriptive method, to answer the following: what is Children Literature? what are the children literature’s themes discussed in Eleyinla’s works, and what are its impacts on children life? Among the findings is that: Eleyinla’s creative works engaged the children in self dependence, good behaviours, doing goodness to parents and total submission to the Creature, also it was observed that Eleyinla used attractive approach and language that are in line with childish nature and attitude.This study intends to enlighten Children Literature in some of Sheikh Usman Abubakar Yusuf Eleyinla’s poetry, tales and riddles. Meanwhile, Children Literature has gained more and needed attention from contemporary writers. It helps in managing and developing children thinking, emotion and fiction. Likewise, it plays ethical roles in terms of children relationship with their socio-culture and religious value. The research shall therefore, try by using descriptive method, to answer the following: what is Children Literature? what are the children literature’s themes discussed in Eleyinla’s works, and what are its impacts on children life? Among the findings is that: Eleyinla’s creative works engaged the children in self dependence, good behaviours, doing goodness to parents and total submission to the Creature, also it was observed that Eleyinla used attractive approach and language that are in line with childish nature and attitude